Current Price 202,500 ▴ Change 19,600 ▴ Change (%) +10.72% As of 2024-10-15 20:00:00 (KST) Opening Price (₩) High Price (₩) Low Price (₩) Trading Volume (shares) 184,800 203,500 184,600 118,212 Stock Trading Overview (Listed Date: 2015. 12. 17) Upper Limit (₩) Lower Limit (₩) 52-Week High (₩) 52-Week Low (₩) 237,500 128,100 203,500 139,000 Foreign Owned Shares (shares) Foreign Ownership Ratio (%) Listed Shares (shares) Market Capitalization (₩ B) 2,205,821 31.65 6,983,609 1,414.2 PER Par Value (₩) Trading Value (₩) Capital (₩) 56.99 500 23,425,717,300 3,491,804,500
Current Price 202,500 ▴ Change 19,600 ▴ Change (%) +10.72% As of 2024-10-15 20:00:00 (KST) Opening Price (₩) High Price (₩) Low Price (₩) Trading Volume (shares) 184,800 203,500 184,600 118,212
Stock Trading Overview (Listed Date: 2015. 12. 17) Upper Limit (₩) Lower Limit (₩) 52-Week High (₩) 52-Week Low (₩) 237,500 128,100 203,500 139,000 Foreign Owned Shares (shares) Foreign Ownership Ratio (%) Listed Shares (shares) Market Capitalization (₩ B) 2,205,821 31.65 6,983,609 1,414.2 PER Par Value (₩) Trading Value (₩) Capital (₩) 56.99 500 23,425,717,300 3,491,804,500