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 Park Systems’ comprehensive line of AFMs offers users unparalleled accuracy and ease of use. With AFMs designed specifically to be used in materials science, electronics, life science, nanotechnology, and other areas of research and industry, our tools are trusted to deliver ultra-high resolution with extremely precise measurements quickly and easily. Join us at the Materials Innovations in Surface Engineering (MISE) Conference in Australia from February 10 - 12, 2020.


  • Our Partner: Scitek Australia Pty Ltd
  • Event Dates: February 10 - 12, 2020
  • Venue:  Swinburne University in Melbourne, Australia


About MISE 2020

MISE offers delegates the chance to gain in-depth insights into innovative developments and trends throughout industry, and will provide industry representatives, academic institutions and research centres the opportunity to showcase their skills and foster relationships vital for future collaboration. MISE marshals a broad range of high-quality academic and industrial keynote speakers to deliver papers and presentations that illuminate the critical issues facing the field of surface engineering.

